India Innovation Lab

India Innovation Lab is now recognized under the Startup India programme by the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion. To learn more, visit

Our India Innovation Lab was setup to tap into the best of the Indian talent pool to deliver state-of-the-art projects for financial institutions and asset managers. Our team is based in India’s financial capital, Mumbai. It is made up of versatile, young professionals with data analytics expertise, computing skills, and financial markets and risk management training. Our Mumbai and New York teams work cohesively to explore new ideas that we develop collaboratively with our industry partners and clients.

Data Science

Graphic_2BWe apply advances in data sciences to investment data, including techniques such as text mining and machine learning. We focus on proven data science methods and test their efficacy on investment and financial markets data. Some examples include structuring regulatory filings so that they are analyzable, text mining research reports to identify key themes, and scraping data from multiple central bank websites to create a consolidated macro-economic data set.

Cloud Computing, Dashboards, and Visualization

Graphic_3AWe leverage the cloud to tackle computing intensive tasks and to provide both easy and secure access to the tools we develop. Through cloud computing, we can process complex risk metrics on-demand on the server side, and deliver the results to either a computer, tablet, or smartphone.

We strive to make all of our tools user-friendly, interactive, and visually rich. Our team focuses on delivering results through data visualization and dashboard technologies so that our clients can engage and interact with the data.

Financial Markets and Investments Focused

We believe that understanding financial markets and investment processes allows us to both deliver better tools and solutions, and significantly reduce the time-to-market of these solutions. Our team consists of data analysts and technologists that have financial training and certifications such as CFA, FRM, CPA, and MBA. This allows us understand the intricacies of our client’s businesses and assess the impact of broad market and industry trends.